THE X-SECTOR PROTECTORATE SHIPS (XSR1.1) HEAVY CRUISER PLUS (CA+): The Protectorate Plus Heavy Cruiser was a Plus Ship designed for scientific study, survey missions, galactic exploration, diplomatic transportation, and rescue operations. Combat was a secondary role. Outfitted with two Special Sensors, a Pulse Generator, a Slipstream Drive, and…
Tag: ssd
Star Fleet Battles – Owlian Heavy Cruiser Version 2.0 SSD Burnside Territories
THE BURNSIDE TERRITORIES OWLIAN PARLIAMENT SHIPS (BTR1.1) HEAVY CRUISER V2 (CA): The Owlian Heavy Cruiser was a sleek, fast predator known for its tenacious ferocity. Armed with Four Neutron Beams, Two Mass Drivers, and a Wide Variety of Phasers, the Owlian Heavy Cruiser was best at keeping constant pressure…
Star Fleet Battles – Alliance Soldier Heavy Cruiser SSD Hourglass Domain
THE HOURGLASS DOMAIN ALLIANCE SHIPS (HDR1.1) SOLDIER HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Alliance Soldier Heavy Cruiser was a formidable starship armed with two Starbolts, two Medium Missile Racks, two Heavy Pulse Guns, four Medium Pulse Guns, and four Light Pulse Guns. A healthy amount of Absorption Armor surrounded the vessel,…
Star Fleet Battles – United League of Worlds Heavy Cruiser SSD Sector Zero
SECTOR ZERO UNITED LEAGUE OF WORLDS SHIPS (SZR1.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The United League of Worlds Heavy Cruiser was the workhorse of the fleet. Capable of performing a variety of roles, the United League of Worlds Heavy Cruiser was known for its versatility. Armed with Four Photon Torpedoes and a…
Star Fleet Battles – Jotunheim Heavy Cruiser SSD Arch Omega
ARCH OMEGA JOTUNHEIM SHIPS (AOR1.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Jotunheim Heavy Cruiser was a feared opponent due to its dual Implosion Bolts. Twin Implosion Torpedoes provided an additional seeking threat. Anyone foolish enough to close on the Jotunheim Heavy Cruiser would feel the wrath of the Jotunheim’s Imploding Field Generators….
Star Fleet Battles – Terra Reserve Heavy Cruiser SSD Pre-History Years
THE PRE-HISTORY YEARS TERRA RESERVE SHIPS (PHR1.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Terra Reserve Heavy Cruiser was the first Starship sent into deep space for exploration. While it was capable of defending itself, the purpose of the Terra Reserve Heavy Cruiser was not combat. Its mission was to Seek Out…
Star Fleet Battles – Europa Heavy Cruiser SSD Sector 50
SECTOR 50 EUROPA SHIPS (50R1.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The standard workhorse for the Europa fleet. The Europa Heavy Cruiser was a solid vessel, capable of standing up to any other heavy cruiser of the time period. Its dual Photon Torpedoes made the Europa Heavy Cruiser a feared opponent, primarily…
Star Fleet Battles – Alliance of Lords Heavy Cruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR ALLIANCE OF LORDS SHIPS (PMR1.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Alliance of Lords Heavy Cruiser is the workhorse of the Alliance Fleet. Able to perform a variety of duties, the Alliance of Lords Heavy Cruiser was also a capable combatant. Armed with Three Photon Torpedoes, Four…
Star Fleet Battles – Hyperborean Light Cruiser SSD V-Technology Young Kingdoms
THE YOUNG KINGDOMS HYPERBOREAN SHIPS (YKR2.1) LIGHT CRUISER (CL): Like most Hyperborean vessels, the Hyperborean Light Cruiser was feared and greatly respected on the battlefield. Bristling with weapons, the Hyperborean Light Cruiser was armed with four Photon Torpedoes and seven Phasers, six of which could fire forward and…
Star Fleet Battles – Atlantean Light Cruiser SSD V-Technology Young Kingdoms
THE YOUNG KINGDOMS ATLANTEAN SHIPS (YKR1.1) LIGHT CRUISER (CL): The Atlantean Light Cruiser was one of the most sturdy, reliable, and powerful vessels in the Young Kingdoms. Equipped with V-Technology, the Atlantean Light Cruiser featured four AV-Photon Torpedoes, Six AV-Phaser-1’s, and one Type G AV-Drone Rack. Additionally, V-Technology enhancements augmented…