THE PRIME SECTOR NETHERWRAITH SHIPS (PMR7.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Netherwraith Heavy Cruiser was feared for its ability to appear out of seemingly nowhere. The Netherwraith Heavy Cruiser would then attack key targets and then leave as mysteriously as it appeared. Armed with Three Subspace Rockets, Five Offensive…
Tag: ssd
Star Fleet Battles – Cyclopean Work Barge SSD Yesterday Galaxy
(YGR.2.0) CYCLOPEAN FORGESMITHS CYCLOPEAN SHIPS (YGR2.1) CYCLOPEAN WORK BARGE (CWB): The Cyclopean Work Barge was the standard work vessel for the Cyclopean Forgesmiths. As the main purpose of the Work Barge was production, it was ill-suited for combat. With poor turning ability, weak shields, and limited armaments, the…
Star Fleet Battles – Dragonflian Heavy Cruiser SSD Sector 50
(50R.5.0) THE DRAGONFLIAN SKIMMERS DRAGONFLIAN SHIPS (50R5.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Dragonflian Heavy Cruiser was a sleek, agile vessel capable of performing an abundance of “impossible” Warp Maneuvers. This was due to the strange Hoverwarp that was embedded into each Dragonflian starship. Armed with Two Hyperdrone Racks, a…
Star Fleet Battles – Reaper Scythe Battlecruiser Plus SSD X-Sector
THE X-SECTOR REAPER SHIPS (XSR2.1) SCYTHE BATTLECRUISER PLUS (BC+): The Reaper Scythe Battlecruiser Plus was built for combat. Armed with Four Plus Disruptor Bolts, Six Plus Phasers, Two Gatling Phasers, Two Plus Drone Racks, One Shield Regenerator, One Slipstream Drive, and One Pulse Generator, the Reaper Scythe Battlecruiser…
Star Fleet Battles – Fair Folk Heavy Cruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR FAIR FOLK SHIPS (PMR6.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Fair Folk Heavy Cruiser was noted for its outstanding maneuverability, strong shields, deadly direct-fire weapons, and reflective defenses. With Two Fireballs, Two Tachyosonic Beams, Five Sonic Pulsers, and Three Flame Shields, the Fair Folk Heavy Cruiser was a capable…
Star Fleet Battles – Daemon Space Submarine SSD Sector Zero
SECTOR ZERO DAEMON SHIPS (SZR2.1) SPACE SUBMARINE (SS): The Daemon Space Submarine was primarily used to sow chaos and wreak havoc behind enemy lines. Using its Cloak to slip past border defenses, the Daemon Space Submarine would select isolated, vulnerable targets and unleash its powerful Plasma-R Torpedo. Once…
Star Fleet Battles – Echoan Heavy Cruiser SSD Graw Project
THE GRAW PROJECT *** THE GRAW PROJECT IS DEDICATED TO BRUCE GRAW!! *** THE ECHOAN REVERBERATION BIOLOGY – LIVING SOUND ECHOAN SHIPS (GPR2.1) ECHOAN HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Echoan Heavy Cruiser was designed to go toe-to-toe with rival heavy cruisers. Featuring strong shields and an excellent turn mode, the…
Star Fleet Battles – Death Cult Battlecruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR DEATH CULT SHIPS (PMR5.1) BATTLECRUISER (BC): The Death Cult Battlecruiser was an aggressive, determined, and calculating opponent in the Prime Sector. Armed with Two Disruptor Bolts, Five Offensive Quantum Phasers, One Drone Rack, and One Rear Plasma-E Torpedo, the Death Cult Battlecruiser was known for its speed,…
Star Fleet Battles – Krakenfish Snatcher SSD Sector 50
(50R.4.0) KRAKENFISH KRAKENFISH SHIPS (50R4.1) SNATCHER (SN): The Krakenfish Snatcher formed the backbone of the Krakenfish fleet. A feared opponent, the Krakenfish Snatcher carried five Bioelectric Bolts and two Plasma Whips. Its Adrenaline Batteries provided a constant source of renewed energy. The Plasma Whips could generate Whipcrack Torpedoes,…
Star Fleet Battles – Seer Heavy Cruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR SEER SHIPS (PMR4.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Seer Heavy Cruiser was noted for its Fast Moving Skip Plasmas, Unique Energy Absorbers, and Cumbersome Maneuverability. The Starship was armed with a Multitude of Offensive Phasers, more than the Standard Prime Sector Heavy Cruiser. Also of note were the…