PROJECT-X GYPSY SHIPS (PXR5.1) GYPSY MERCHANT CRUISER (MCA): The Gypsy Merchant Cruiser was the standard trading vessel during the First Era. Because the Gypsies were primarily interested in trading and peaceful relations with all species, the Gypsy Merchant Cruiser was not armed. Gypsy Merchant Cruisers roamed all of…
Tag: ssd

Star Fleet Battles – Pyrian Battlecruiser SSD Sector 50
* DEDICATED TO FRANCOIS ANGERS * SECTOR 50 (50R.7.0) PYRIAN SHIPS (50R7.1) BATTLECRUISER (BC): The Pyrian Battlecruiser was one of the most deadly and feared Battlecruisers in Sector 50. Armed with Four Offensive Phasers, One 360 degree Defensive Phaser, and Two Variable Fireburst Torpedoes, the Pyrian Battlecruiser was…

Star Fleet Battles – Dark God Heavy Cruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR DARK GOD SHIPS (PMR9.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Dark God Heavy Cruiser was a dreaded opponent because of its ability to disappear from our dimension, only to reappear later in a completely different location. This reemergence could not be accurately predicted and many Prime Sector…

Star Fleet Battles – Thrace Heavy Cruiser SSD Mitosis
MITOSIS THRACE SHIPS (MR5.1) THRACE HEAVY CRUISER (CA) The Thrace Heavy Cruiser was a feared combatant during the early years of Mitosis. Thrace starship design was atypical due to the unusual nature of their heavy weapons. While nearly all other Mitosis vessels concentrated their fire to the port…

Star Fleet Battles – Djinn Heavy Cruiser SSD King Alpha
KING ALPHA DJINN SHIPS (KAR1.3) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): Like all Djinn, the Djinn Heavy Cruiser was seldom seen or detected. As fleeting as a ghost, the Djinn Heavy Cruiser would drift here and there, accomplishing its stealth missions, only appearing to strike when it was absolutely necessary. When…

Star Fleet Battles – Feudal First Cruiser SSD Project-X
PROJECT-X FEUDAL SHIPS (PXR4.1) FEUDAL FIRST CRUISER (FCA): The Feudal First Cruiser was a multi-purpose cruiser with ample firepower. With four Widgets that could be configured separately, the Feudal First Cruiser was capable of serving in a variety of different capacities. All Feudal starships use Energy Cannons as…

Star Fleet Battles – Nomad Heavy Cruiser SSD Hidden Enclave
THE HIDDEN ENCLAVE NOMAD SHIPS (HER3.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Nomad Heavy Cruiser played a crucial role in the Collaboration. Normally committed to staying away from the affairs of other empires, the Nomads quickly realized the need for mutual cooperation in order to survive in the Hidden Enclave….

Star Fleet Battles – Phalanx Heavy Cruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR PHALANX SHIPS (PMR8.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Phalanx Heavy Cruiser was an imposing adversary to face. With a Regenerating Rotating Shield, Sturdy Thick Armor, Two Hurricane Missiles, Phaser-4’s, and the Dreaded Plasma Shear, the Phalanx Heavy Cruiser defeated many opponents in combat. Enemies quickly discovered…

Star Fleet Battles – Black Flock Heavy Cruiser SSD Sector 50
(50R.6.0) THE BLACK FLOCK BLACK FLOCK SHIPS (50R6.1) HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Black Flock Heavy Cruiser was a raiding vessel. Armed with Two Quantum Wave Torpedoes, Three Forward Offensive Phasers, and One Rear Defensive Phaser, the Black Flock Heavy Cruiser specialized in hit-and-run assaults. The starship possessed excellent…

Star Fleet Battles – Centi Winchester Heavy Cruiser SSD Graw Project
THE GRAW PROJECT CENTI SHIPS (GPR3.1) WINCHESTER HEAVY CRUISER (CA): The Centi, who are Humanoid Centipedes, fielded mass quantities of Winchester Heavy Cruisers in an attempt to overwhelm their neighbors with sheer numbers. The ship was a sleek, fast, and agile vessel which often danced around its opponents…