FIMBULVETR UNITY COMBINE SHIPS (FR1.1) ATLAS TELAMON BATTLECRUISER (BC): The Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser was capable of wreaking massive devastation in Fimbulvetr. Armed with four Photon Torpedoes, one Energy Howitzer, ten Phaser-1’s, two Improved Pulse Emitters, and two Tachyon Missile Racks, the Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser was a…
Tag: battlecruiser
Star Fleet Battles – Pyrian Battlecruiser SSD Sector 50
* DEDICATED TO FRANCOIS ANGERS * SECTOR 50 (50R.7.0) PYRIAN SHIPS (50R7.1) BATTLECRUISER (BC): The Pyrian Battlecruiser was one of the most deadly and feared Battlecruisers in Sector 50. Armed with Four Offensive Phasers, One 360 degree Defensive Phaser, and Two Variable Fireburst Torpedoes, the Pyrian Battlecruiser was…
Star Fleet Battles – Reaper Scythe Battlecruiser Plus SSD X-Sector
THE X-SECTOR REAPER SHIPS (XSR2.1) SCYTHE BATTLECRUISER PLUS (BC+): The Reaper Scythe Battlecruiser Plus was built for combat. Armed with Four Plus Disruptor Bolts, Six Plus Phasers, Two Gatling Phasers, Two Plus Drone Racks, One Shield Regenerator, One Slipstream Drive, and One Pulse Generator, the Reaper Scythe Battlecruiser…
Star Fleet Battles – Regime FZ4 Battlecruiser SSD Project-X
REGIME REGIME SHIPS (PXR2.1) BATTLECRUISER (FZ4): The standard Battlecruiser deployed by the Regime during the First Era. The Regime FZ4 Battlecruiser would become the historical antithesis of the Republic First Cruiser. Countless duels would be fought between the Regime FZ4 Battlecruiser and the Republic First Cruiser, with victory…
Star Fleet Battles – Death Cult Battlecruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR DEATH CULT SHIPS (PMR5.1) BATTLECRUISER (BC): The Death Cult Battlecruiser was an aggressive, determined, and calculating opponent in the Prime Sector. Armed with Two Disruptor Bolts, Five Offensive Quantum Phasers, One Drone Rack, and One Rear Plasma-E Torpedo, the Death Cult Battlecruiser was known for its speed,…
Star Fleet Battles – Black Cataphract Battlecruiser SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR BLACK CATAPHRACT SHIPS (PMR3.1) BATTLECRUISER (BC): The Black Cataphract Battlecruiser was feared for its destructive close range firepower. Armed with Two Heavy Dark Plasma Bolts, One Light Dark Plasma Bolt, Two Offensive Phasers, Six Defense Phasers, and one Dark Plasma Drone Rack the Black Cataphract Battlecruiser was…
Star Fleet Battles – Babylon P3A Battlecruiser SSD Sector 50
(50R.2.0) BABYLON BABYLON SHIPS (50R2.1) P3A BATTLECRUISER (BC): The standard combat vessel for Babylon. The P3A Battlecruiser was known for its swift maneuvering, tight turn mode, and deadly wing Phasers. Double Disruptor Bolts allowed the P3A Battlecruiser to hammer its opponent relentlessly, without the need for excessive rearming…
Star Fleet Battles – Europa CA vs Babylon BC Playtest Report 2/20/22 Sector 50
EUROPA CA VS BABYLON BC PLAYTEST REPORT 2/20/22 SECTOR 50 T1 – Europa Speed 10. Babylon Speed 15. Both ships close on each other. T2 – Europa Speed 8. Babylon Speed 11. Ships are facing each other but off center. Babylon fires 2 Disr at R15. Both hit. Minus…