Z-Technology is an Alternate Version of X2 Technology. It makes sure to answer all of the common questions and presumptions about X2 (the list is long), using a fusion of many different existing technologies to do so. Z-Technology, while exotic and unconventional in form, is meant to be both functional and playable. It is not a chaotic mess of disjointed pieces welded together haphazardly. The elements are meant to flow together in a meaningful and precise manner. Obviously, this strange way of approaching X2 is not the same as the Official X2 that ADB will publish in the future. To make the distinction even more clear, this highly advanced technology was dubbed Z-Technology, so that there would be no confusion between it and official X2 tech.
The High Guard utilizes Z-Technology to act as a type of police force which oversees and protects the Intergalactic Assemblage of Systems. The Intergalactic Assemblage of Systems is massive, over a thousand times larger than the Federation, and is comprised of empires from many different systems that use Early Years, General War, and X(1)-Technology. While the High Guard is powerful, due to the highly advanced technology employed by their starships, they ar not a standing army. Rather, their starships are spread throughout the cosmos, each one completing its assigned task before moving on to the next. In order for High Guard starships to come together to form a single fleet, there must a threat of immense magnitude.
1) Create SSD’s for more High Guard starships (Variants of the Heavy Cruiser and other High Guard Ship Classes) *HIGH PRIORITY*
2) Create SSD’s for Other Empires that utilize Z-Technology *HIGH PRIORITY*
3) Playtest High Guard Ships and Z-Technology *HIGH PRIORITY*
3) Write Scenarios involving the High Guard *MEDIUM PRIORITY*
4) Create SSD’s for Empires within the Intergalactic Assemblage of Systems *LOW PRIORITY*
The Fiction which supports the High Guard and Z-Technology is the White Wolf (one of its incarnations) featuring Ichaborn (before the Wolf Cub) and Lupa (as the Artificial Intelligence embedded in the White Wolf starship).
Note that my own group has playtested a few preliminary battles with the High Guard. Much more in-depth and thorough playtesting needs to be competed to ensure Z-Technology works on the tabletop as designed.