The X-Sector featured X1/X2 Technology, but did not name it as such until much later when they encountered other galaxies. Ever since its inception in the X-Sector, Advanced Technology was called Plus Technology. This designation is not to be confused with Alpha Sector “Plus” Ships. Plus Technology in the X-Sector refers to X-Technology, not simply an improved type of Ship Class.
In designing the X-Sector, it was paramount that the final result be different from X-Technology (and even X2 Technology) in the Alpha Sector. There could be similarities (some of which were unavoidable), but the differences would be significant enough to show that the X-Sector was a completely different entity that stood on its own.
It was also critical that the Gameplay in the X-Sector be as close as possible to the Alpha Sector General War. By this I mean that I wanted to stay away from hulking starships on steroids, with massive shields, gigantic warp engines, overloaded with weaponry, flying around the map faster than Speed 31, sweeping omnipresent firing arcs, etc. The dynamics of combat in the X-Sector could be different, but still must require maneuver to bring your weapons into firing arc and to protect damaged Shields, careful energy allocation, the speed is life principle, multiple turn cycling of certain heavy weapons etc.
Long ago, I looked at Jeremy Gray’s version of a Second Generation X-Ship. It had some interesting ideas, but my eye was drawn to what he called a “Type V Advanced Phaser.” This type of X2 Phaser only scored one additional point of damage (than a PH-1) at very close range, but extended the mid range damage by one bracket. I thought this was very reasonable (perhaps not for the Official X2 Universe, but for other galaxies employing different forms of X-Technology). Therefore, the decision was made to import the “Type V” Phaser into the X-Sector renamed as the “Plus Phaser”, which would form the core of the Phasers for all empires. There would be no PH-1 in the X-Sector.
Drones in the X-Sector would fly at their targets at Speed 64. This would be a major difference between the X-Sector and X1/X2.
Plasmas in the X-Sector would be damaged at a Phaser Rate of 3:1 instead of 2:1. They would still move at Speed 32. This would be yet another difference from X1/X2.
As I did not want to employ the PH-1 and its Rapid Pulse Technology, I needed another means for the Plus Starships of the X-Sector to deal with incoming drones, plasmas, fighters, and fast patrol ships. The solution was the widespread use of the Gatling Phaser. Every empire in the X-Sector employs the PH-G, some more so than others. It would extremely rare to see a PH-3 on an X-Sector Starship.
In order to stay close to the feel of the General War Alpha Sector, every empire in the X-Sector would still employ Plus (X) Fighters and Plus (X) Fast Patrol Ships. None of these things have been made obsolete by Advanced Technology in the X-Sector.
Advanced Technology (Plus) Heavy Weapons would take a Different Design Path than in the Alpha Sector. Instead of allowing Heavy Weapons to Fire More Frequently, Heavy Weapons in the X-Sector would generate More Damage. This fit in nicely with the idea of the Plus Phaser (Jeremy Gray’s Phaser-V), which also scored slightly more damage than the PH-1. Consequently, I had to be careful with the Alpha Strike Potential of X-Sector Starships, limiting the amount of Heavy Weapons they could carry.
I discarded the idea of Heavy Weapon Fast Loading because I wanted the X-Sector to feel like General War Combat during Gameplay. The basis of this is that Disruptors take one turn to arm, Photon Torpedoes take two turns to arm, and Plasma Torpedoes take three turns to arm. Of course, there are variations and exceptions, but these are the core arming cycles.
Because I wanted Standard General War Level Shields in the X-Sector and not the Massive Shields of X1, there needed to be some factor that would “enhance” or “magnify” the X-Sector Starship’s Shields to make them more effective than normal Shields. This became one or more Shield Regenerators on a Starship which would replenish a portion of the Shields at the beginning of every turn for a low energy cost. Shield Regenerators can be hit on the DAC, thereby nullifying their use.
In general, all Plus (X1/X2) Starships in the X-Sector would feature Better Turn Modes and Less Chances of Breakdown. They would still retain General War Movement Costs. This reflects the Advanced Design of each Starship in the X-Sector, which were built from the Ground Up, not Converted from Old Designs.
On a side note, Early Year Technology and General War Technology were in use only for short periods of time in the X-Sector. The development of Plus (X1/X2) Technology in the X-Sector progressed extremely quickly, much more rapidly than in the Alpha Sector.
Plus (X1/X2) Batteries hold five points of energy in the X-Sector, not three points of energy as in X1. The amount of Plus (X1/X2) Batteries on each Starship is therefore very limited.
The X-Sector developed Plus (X1/X2) Warp Engines which generate two points of warp energy for use every turn instead of just one point of warp energy. While efficient for energy production, the drawback was that the destruction of a single Plus (X1/X2) Warp Engine would result in the loss of two points of warp energy during Energy Allocation.
The X-Sector also developed two new devices as an outgrowth of Plus (X1/X2) Technology.
The Pulse Generator provides a great deal of energy every turn, much more than a Warp Engine, Impulse, or APR. A single hit on the DAC can destroy this valuable system.
The Slipstream Drive, utilized by all empires in the X-Sector, combines aspects of the Displacement Device and the Quantum Transporter. It is meant to be an expensive (in terms of energy) Tactical Device, that should be used sparingly in battle. It is also not meant to be a solution to every conflict, with limitations built in to avoid abuse.
The X-Sector will examine the Rejected Ideas in X1, possibly making use of some of them. They may be outlawed in the Alpha Sector, but the X-Sector is a completely different place. Shield Pods for Fighters comes to mind and Shotgun PPT’s sound interesting. Most importantly, each idea needs to have sound tactical use and should not imbalance Gameplay in any way.
The X-Sector will feature numerous New Technology, some empire-specific, some ubiquitous.
In summary, the X-Sector explores alternate routes of X1/X2 Technology and calls them Plus Technology. Their Starships are not overgunned, overprotected, or able to hit any target at any angle, but they do generate a lot of energy, a hallmark of their Advanced Technology. The goal in the X-Sector is to retain the flavor of General War Combat, while introducing a new tactical dynamic through Plus (X1/X2) Technology. Drones fly super fast, Plasmas are extra hard to destroy, Heavy Weapons can score more damage, Batteries hold more energy, Shields Regenerate, and Gatling Phasers provide defensive fire.
The X-Sector’s future is exciting and full of many different possibilities.
(XC2.21) ACCELERATION: Plus Ships use this rule, increase practical speed to triple the previous turn’s speed or by 15.
(Xc3.64) TURN MODES: Plus Ships get +1 bonus to the die roll for quick reverse. Nimble Plus Ships get +2.
(XC5.224) TACTICAL MANEUEVERS: Plus Ships can make up to six tactical warp maneuvers each turn.
(XC6.0) HIGH ENERGY TURNS: Plus Ships have two first use HET bonuses.
(XC8.4) POST DECELERATION PERIOD: for Plus Ships last only 12 impulses.
(XC12.312) Plus Ships can change Speed very 6 impulses.
(XD6.3142)(XD6.3142)(XD6.3144)(XD6.3145)(XD6.393) FIRE CONTROL SYSTEMS: Plus Ships generate 2 points of ECCM at no cost. Other EW benefits as well, see rule numbers.
(XD6.633) FIRE CONTROL ACTIVATION: Plus Ships have a 3-impulse delay rather than a 4-impulse delay.
(XD11.3) CHAFF: Ignore this rule since the X-Sector uses Plus Drones, not X-Drones.
(XD13.0) AEGIS FIRE CONTROL: All Plus Ships have Limited Aegis (two shots).
(XE0.0) DIRECT-FIRE WEAPONS: Plus Weapons Do Not Misfire, Overload, Rapid Pulse, or Fast Load.
(XFD0.0) X-DRONES: The X-Sector does not use X-Drones, but rather Speed 64 Drones.
(XFP0.0) X-PLASMA: The X-Sector does not use X-Plasmas, but rather Plasmas with a 3:1 Phaser:Warhead Reduction Ratio.
(XG4.12) LABS: Plus Ships add one to the result obtained (not the die roll) before multiplying by the number of labs
(XH5.1) BATTERIES: Plus Batteries hold 5 points of power, not 3.
(XH6.1) PHASER CAPACITORS: The Phaser Capacitor on a Plus Ship is equal to the total energy required to fire each phaser twice.
(XJ2.1) X-ADMIN SHUTTLES: Administrative shuttles on Plus Ships are identical to those on Non-Plus Ships.
(XJ3.4) WILD WEASELS: The 2 points of ECCM that Plus Ships generate does not void a WW launched by that ship.
(XK0.0) FAST PATROL SHIPS: All of the empires in the X-Sector will employ Fast Patrol Ships. Their technology is yet to be developed.
(XM0.0) MINES: Plus Mines are yet to be developed.
(XM3.13) T-BOMBS: Plus Ships carry two more T-bombs (and dummies) than a Non-Plus Ship.
(XM7.321) DETECTING MINES: Plus Ships can detect mines up to 10 hexes away.
(XD6.34) EW EFFECT: If a Plus Ship has more ECCM than its target’s ECM, it gets a special -1 modifier to its fire.
(XD6.393) All Plus Ships may generate EW (total ECM and/or ECCM) up to their Sensor Rating plus two.
(XD9.21) SHIELD REPAIR: Plus Ships repair one Shield box per point of power in Damage Control.
(XE1.7) SMALL TARGETS: Plus Ships ignore the small target modifier.
(XFP11.0) Plus Ships do not automatically have the Sabot Refit. It may be noted on a case by case basis.