A Combine War Destroyer was brutally savaged by a fleet of Neo-Invaders. Barely escaping the war zone, the Combine War Destroyer followed other survivors in the Home Sector, eventually crawling its way to Planetbase. There, the ravaged War Destroyer and what remained of her crew waited to be repaired.
After survivors from the Other Sector arrived, the Combine War Destroyer was rebuilt, but not back to its original form. Utilizing the unique Meshing Technology and Facilities on Planetbase, Silicoid weaponry was installed, replacing weapons that had been destroyed. Furthermore, Silicoids filled in the lost crew members and now make up seventy percent of the crew.
Armed with Three Implosion Bolts, Two Phaser-1’s, Two Radiation Phaser-1’s, One Light Implosion Torpedo, and Two Radiation Phaser-3’s, the War Destroyer reentered the fray, eager to deliver ferocious payback for what had been done to it and its lost crew members in the past. The only ship of its kind in all of Unity, the bloodthirsty War Destroyer was dubbed: the Hellhound.
The Combine Hellhound War Destroyer combines Trobrin Technology with Federation Technology. Implosion Technology is quite different from Alpha Sector Plasma Technology and requires different tactics to succeed. Implosion Bolts are stronger than Photon Torpedoes, but lose warhead strength as the range increases. Implosion Torpedoes lose their Warhead Strength faster than standard Plasma Torpedoes over range and implode a hex before the target. This requires different timing in conjuction with different maneuvering. Radiation Phasers hit their target automatically, but score less damage than the maximum damage for a Phaser-1. Lastly, the different Range Brackets for the Implosion Bolts and Radiation Phasers lead to different Firing Points than standard Federation Weaponry.
IMPLOSION BOLTS (IB): This works exactly as described in Omega-1.
IMPLOSION TORPEDOES-LIGHT (IT-L): These work exactly as described in Omega-1.
RADIATION PHASER-1’S (PR-1): These work exactly as described in Omega-1.
RADIATION PHASER-3’S (PR-3): These work exactly as described in Omega-1.
PHASER-1s (PH-1): These work exactly as described in the Basic Set.