The Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser formed the core of the Collaboration. Armed with Three Limited Tachyon Guns, Three Limited Tachyon Missile Racks, Four Limited Offensive Wide Phasers, and Four Limited Defensive Wide Phasers, the Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser was a strong adversary in combat. But of particular note were the Four Spectral Cells carried by the Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser, which increased its tactical effectiveness tenfold. Strong Shields, Ample Shuttles, and Abundant Energy rounded out the starship.
The Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser jumpstarts the Hidden Enclave by defining what Limited Weaponry looks like and more importantly, specifying the exact range of abilities gained by using up a Spectral Cell.
At face value, the Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser is an inferior model of the starship it is based on. However, when the Spectral Cells are considered, along with their wide range of tactical benefits, the Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser gains abilities on par with X-Ships. It is a strange combination, to have Limited Technology combined at the same time with Highly Advanced Technology. But this is the essence of the Hidden Enclave, and what makes it different from other Galaxies.
Mastery of the Tri-Expansion Heavy Cruiser and the plethora of tactics available to it is something that will only come through hours of hard won combat.
* Limited to a maximum of five points of energy.
* Use the Limited Tachyon Gun Table.
* Follow the rules for Tachyon Guns under (OE3.0).
* The standard Limited Tachyon Missile is maximum size-6, propulsion 16, armor-6, no weaponry, endurance-3 turns, no negative tractor, and no other special abilities. Standard Limited Tachyon Missiles cost no additional BPV.
* Follow standard procedures for adding Improvements (with modifications noted below) to Limited Tachyon Missiles, but ignore all references to Year. Soecifically (OFD1.222) Max Size-10, (OFD1.231) Propulsion 20, not 24, (OFD1.232) Propulsion 24, not 28, (OFD1.241) Armor +2, not to exceed Armor-10, (OFD1.2512) Explosive Strength, not to exceed Explosion-24, (OFD1.252) Standard Limited Tachyon Missile with Explosion-8 replaced by 1 Limited Phaser W-3, (OFD1.2521) Explosion-8 and Limited Phaser W-3, (OFD1.2522) Additional Limited Phaser W-3s, (OFD1.261) Extended Endurance.
* Note that due to Limitations in Technology, Production, and Maintenance, the following Improvements are unavailable: (OFD1.223) Max Size 12, (OFD1.233) Propulsion 32, (OFD1.234) Propulsion 36, (OFD1.2523) Adding Limited Phaser W-1s, (OFD1.262) Exceeding Endurance-9, (OFD1.27) Special Attributes.
Follow the rules for Tachyon Missiles under (OFD1.0) for all other respects not noted above.
* Each Spectral Cell may only be used once per scenario.
* Spectral Cells may be used during any impulse of the turn or during energy allocation.
* Only one Spectral Cell can be used within a 32-impulse period.
* Once used, mark the Spectral Cell box with a dot on the SSD.
* Upon use, choose one of the following effects for the Spectral Cell:
1) Perform a HET (roll for breakdown per standard procedure).
2) Perform a Sideslip (even when the Sideslip Mode Requirement has not been met)
3) Perform a Turn (even when the Turn Mode Requirement has not been met)
4) Reinforce a Shield with ten points of specific reinforcement. This last until the end of the turn.
5) Raise a 360 Shield with six boxes which absorbs damage before all standard Shields. This lasts until the end of the turn.
6) Provides six points of warp energy during energy allocation (only).
7) Refills all undestroyed Batteries.
8) Provides three poinits of ECM for 8 impulses. Note that this is not limited to the Sensor Track (D6.3141).
9) Provides three points of ECCM for 8 impulses. Note that this is not limited to the Sensor Track (D6.3141).
10) Raises a three point ESG at Radius 0 (see G23.42) for 8 impulses
11) Fully Cloaks (see (G13.3)) the starship (No Fade In/Out Period) for 4 impulses.
12) Launches the equivalent of a Plasma-D (FP2.6).
13) Releases a burst that acts as a three point Defensive Ionic Wave (G36.33).
12) Provides eight points of Tractor Energy for auctions only (G7.42)
13) Provides the equivalent of four “Labs” for the turn. These may be used for Scientific Research (G4.1), Identification of Seeking Weapons (G4.2), Emergency Damage Control (D14.0), or Tactial Intelligence (D17.228).
14) Provides eight points of Damage Control for Internal Systems which are restored immediately. This is separate from and not limited by the Damage Control Track.
15) Provides eight points of Damage Control for Shields which are restored immediately. This is separate from and not limited by the Damage Control Track.
* Spectral Cells (used or unused) are destroyed on FLAG Hits on the DAC.
* Use the Limited Phaser W-1 Table
* Costs the same as a standard Phaser W-1.
Treat as Phasers in all other respects not noted above.
* Use the Limited Phaser W-3 Table
* Costs the same as a standard Phaser W-3.
Treat as Phasers in all other respects not noted above.