The 4X Octant draws its inspiration from the numerous 4X video games that have existed over time. Looking at the gameplay of these 4X video games, they seem to be closer in function to F&E than to Star Fleet Battles. However, it is not the intention of the 4X Octant to get into F&E at all, but rather to look at usable elements from 4X games that can properly translate into Star Fleet Battles.
One of the things that jumps out at you from 4X games is the idea of Research. Each empire will typically have different Research Trees, and by dedicating personnel to constant Research, Technological Improvements can be acquired over time for your empire. The faster and more Research an empire can acquire, the better chance they have of winning the game.
But in Star Fleet Battles, at least in the Alpha Sector, we have a slow, constant Arms Race, where each technological improvement made by an empire must be equally matched by the other empires as well. No single empire can gain a single technological advantage which makes them superior to all of the other empires (because then the Balance of the Sector will be thrown off).
So how will this work in the 4X Octant? First of all, each empire needs to be able to develop their own technological advancement without all the other empires following suit. However, while this will give that empire an edge (for a time), it cannot be something all-winning or all-powerful. Each of the other empires in the 4X Octant can also achieve their own unique technological advancements, each in their own unique way at their own unique time. This allows each of the empires of the 4X Octant to advance their technology (and ships) in ways unlike any of the other empires.
But the Research and Technological Advancement of each empire in the 4X Octant cannot be so random and so varied as in 4X video games. Instead, History and the Timeline of the 4X Octant must specifically dictate which empire discovered what Technology and exactly when. That way, although each empire is discovering different Technology at different times, it is still in a controlled and managed way for the entire Octant.
Another element that will translate over to the 4X Octant is Ship Types. Alpha Sector Ship Types are very standardized, with each empire having the same types of starships. 4X video games offers many other kinds of Ship Types including Corvettes, Survey Vessels, Construction Ships, Colony Ships, Science Ships, Transport Ships, Capital Ships, Mega Shipyards, Titan Ships, Colossus Ships, Star Eaters, World Crackers, and more. Many of these different Ship Types will be incorporated into the 4X Octant.
Collecting and managing different kinds of Resources is a big part of 4X video games. Without getting into F&E, this element will be brought into the 4X Octant. It will most likely take the form of Scenarios, Timeline Events, and Fiction.
Of course, all of the 4X video games contain massive amounts of creativity and imagination. Many of the 4X video game empires are unique, attractive, and fun to play. These species will inspire the empires of the 4X Octant.
The major concern for the 4X Octant is Balance. With everyone developing different kinds of Technology at different times, and thereby building different kinds of starships at different times, it becomes extremely easy for Balance to be thrown off in SFB. This will have to be carefully controlled and managed through SSD creation, Scenarios, and thorough Playtesting.
The 4X Octant has a lot of potential. But it must be carefully constructed piece by piece with constant checks to maintain Balance and Playability.