Sector 50 was posted back in 2019, although the New Galaxy was not clearly defined at the time. Six starships were created and submitted to ADB. Since then, nothing new has been created for Sector 50 and I wasn’t sure if Sector 50 would continue.
But now, three years later, I have made a decision about Sector 50. It will indeed continue and I will be working on it a lot. There is great tactical potential in Sector 50, but all the proper components need to be in place to stage the appropriate battles. Simply looking at a single SSD will not give you the full picture regarding Sector 50, for Fleet Engagements are where the true tactics lie.
The starting point for Sector 50 is to take Exactly Half of each Heavy Cruiser from every known empire. This will result in a Small Starship which is neither a Cadet Ship, a Frigate, a Destroyer, a Light Cruiser, or an Early Years Cruiser. The Halved Starship is something Different, for it will retain most of the systems from its larger version and its heavy weapons can still overload.
Slight modifications need to be made to the Halved Cruiser for the sake of Heavy Cruiser Consistency throughout Sector 50, but for the most part, the Half Starship retains its Fuller Essence. Heavy Weapons and Devices need to be split among multiple starships rather than remaining combined like on the Original Heavy Cruiser.
Once these Halved Starships are created, each empire in Sector 50 will take its own unique developmental path. They will build variants, larger starships, experimental starships, carriers, tenders, and more efficient starships. They will combine their technology in different ways, coming up with more effective designs. They will react to their neighboring empires and create designs suited to counter them. They will keep up with an ever escalating arms race among all the empires of Sector Zero. And they will grow into their own highly advanced, mighty empire which is quite different from the Original Heavy Cruiser they were based on.
The beginning Sector 50 starships are simple vessels, similar to Cadet ships, but with a little more depth and complexity. Their Ship Types will be numerous, and this will have a huge effect on Fleet Battles in Sector 50.
Because of their smaller size, Running Battles in Sector 50 will be much Quicker.
It should be noted that any Alpha or Omega Technology employed by Sector 50 empires will Remain Unchanged. This means that if a Weapon or Device is Unbalanced (in my opinion), I will not go in and change it to make it More Balanced. I will leave it as is (as it was published). This also means that Omega Range Brackets will remain unchanged, as well as their Overload Ranges. For Better or for Worse, Sector 50 seeks to retain the Flavor and Essence of the Original Starships they were Based On.
There will be New Empires and New Technology in Sector 50, but only after all the Original, Primary Empires have been established.
And there will be a Gargantuan Enemy, so powerful and deadly that they threaten ALL the Empires of Sector 50 at the Same Time.
So I raise my glass to the Future, to these Half Starships, to what they will Become, and to the Tribulations they will Endure. Here is to Sector 50.