The core of the Hispania fleet. The Hispania Heavy Cruiser was the antithesis of the Brittani Heavy Cruiser. Where the Brittani Heavy Cruiser was sturdy, less mobile, with slow arming torpedoes, the Hispania Heavy Cruiser was quick, agile, with fast firing weapons. Ironically, although these two classes of starships would fight countless duels against one another, history would ultimately force them to fight side by side as allies against a common foe of staggering might.
Although the Hispania Heavy Cruiser could focus more of its phaser fire to the bow of the vessel, it was well known for having a “blind spot” to the stern with no phaser protection. Enemy captains quickly learned to exploit this weakness, developing tactics which focused on attacking the aft side of the Hispania Heavy Cruiser. This was particularly true in regards to seeking weapons.
Conversely, every good captain knows their starship, and the Hispania captains were no exception. Ongoing tactical anaysis and simulations prepared Hispania captains for enemy strategies, allowing them to anticipate and counter those movements. Victory in combat became a matter of who possessed the greater experience, who utilized feints to their best advantage, and who consistently remained one step ahead of the enemy.
These function exactly as standard Disruptor Bolts except that they cannot be overloaded.
These function exactly as standard Phasers.
These function exactly as standard Phasers.