PROJECT-X KHAN SHIPS (PXR7.1) KHAN FIRST CAVALRY (FCVY): Khan used his First Cavalry to wreak havok and chaos throughout all of Project-X during the First Era. No other starship in the First Era was a match for the speed and maneuverability of the First Cavalry. The Khan First…
Star Fleet Battles – The Majestic by Glenn Hoepfner Yesterday Galaxy
The following are exerpts of the Majestic’s final log (discovered within Mount Pompamaula – a long dormant volcano) which had been automatically jettisoned seconds before the ship found its final resting place. There are some speculations and assumptions included in this text derived by recovered personal logs, family input and…
Star Fleet Battles – Heirs to Fate Venus Stardate 10.29.22 X-Sector
HEIRS TO FATE – VENUS STARDATE 10.29.22 X-SECTOR Captain Ichabeth entered the Command Center of Outpost Bakira with a grim look on her beautiful, young face. Archimedes, the faceless, metal mannequin who served as Science Officer aboard the Venus, was sitting at the main terminal, typing faster than any…
Star Fleet Battles – Rover Merchant Vessel SSD Prime Sector
THE PRIME SECTOR ROVER SHIPS (PMR10.1) MERCHANT VESSEL (MV): The Rover Merchant Vessel was a known for its size and massive cargo capacity. The ship was well armed with Sonic Weaponry, although fighting was not the vessel’s function. Like all Rovers, the Rover Merchant Vessel engaged in the trading…
Star Fleet Battles – Merlin Stardate 07.08.21 Prime Sector
MERLIN STARDATE 07.08.21 PRIME SECTOR Captain Elizabeth sat across from Captain Graw. She was at Starbase Dover, relaxing inside of Jeannie’s Disruptor Diner. Captain Graw was the Captain of starship Agent One. An unusual name for an Alliance of Lords vessel, but there must have been a good reason…
Star Fleet Battles – Indomitus Mark I SSD Yesterday Galaxy
THE YESTERDAY GALAXY INDOMITUS SHIPS (YGR3.1) INDOMITUS MARK I (IND-I): The INDOMITUS MARK I is the first version of INDOMITUS encountered by the Empires of the Yesterday Galaxy. It was an unarmed, unshielded scout vessel which moved slowly with poor maneuverability. The INDOMITUS MARK I possessed highly advanced…
Star Fleet Battles – Genesis Tactics Manual Brittani Heavy Cruiser Mitosis
GENESIS TACTICS MANUAL “THE ONLY VALID TEST IS COMBAT; THE ONLY VALID RESULT IS VICTORY” BRITTANI HEAVY CRUISER MITOSIS The makeup of a starship defines its tactics. This has never been more true than with the Brittani Heavy Cruiser in Mitosis. First, know your own ship. Second, know your…
Star Fleet Battles – Old Guard Stardate 11.02.22 Sector 50
THE OLD GUARD STARDATE 11.02.22 SECTOR 50 The Old Guard shook from long range Phaser fire. The barrage was coming from two different directions, hitting two adjacent Shields. There were ships flying in all directions on the battlefield. The black night sky of space was filled with red Phaser…
Star Fleet Battles – Visigoth Heavy Cruiser SSD Mitosis
MITOSIS VISIGOTH SHIPS (MR6.1) VISIGOTH HEAVY CRUISER (CA) When the Visigoth Heavy Cruiser was first encountered by the empires of Mitosis, they concluded that the Visigoth could not be defeated. However, time and the development of new tactics, proved this statement to be quite untrue. The Visigoth Heavy…
Star Fleet Battles – Columbiad Stardate 04.20.21 Pre-History Years
COLUMBIAD STARDATE 04.20.21 PRE-HISTORY YEARS Counselor Akemi Kinoshita smiled at Crewman Laila Littleton. She offered her a soothing cup of tea which Laila gladly accepted. Counselor Kinoshita crossed her legs and prepared to begin writing on her clipboard. Akemi was a beautiful Japanese woman with straight, long, black hair and…