THE YOUNG KINGDOMS ATLANTEAN SHIPS (YKR1.1) LIGHT CRUISER (CL): The Atlantean Light Cruiser was one of the most sturdy, reliable, and powerful vessels in the Young Kingdoms. Equipped with V-Technology, the Atlantean Light Cruiser featured four AV-Photon Torpedoes, Six AV-Phaser-1’s, and one Type G AV-Drone Rack. Additionally, V-Technology enhancements augmented…
Category: Star Fleet Battles
Star Fleet Battles – The Hidden Enclave Designer Notes
THE HIDDEN ENCLAVE DESIGNER NOTES The Hidden Enclave is an isolated, swirling dimension that slowly moves throughout the Universe. Random wormholes appear and disappear, drawing starships, terrain, creatures, and planetary objects into the Hidden Enclave. The Hidden Enclave possesses a unique time differential which allows it to draw from…
Star Fleet Battles – The Hourglass Domain Designer Notes
THE HOURGLASS DOMAIN DESIGNER NOTES Time moves slowly in the Hourglass Domain, like the sands of an Hourglass gently falling from the top to the bottom. The Hourglass Domain takes the step by step impulse action of Star Fleet Battles and slows it down even further. Here, Starships move…
Star Fleet Battles – The Core Worlds Designer Notes
THE CORE WORLDS – REBIRTH DESIGNER NOTES * THE CORE WORLDS IS DEDICATED TO SEAN YOUNG * The Core Worlds was created by Sean Young. Although there may have been other people who helped to design his empires and ships, Sean Young was the driving force behind it all….
Star Fleet Battles – The Mitrax Galaxy Designer Notes
THE MITRAX GALAXY * DEDICATED TO FRANCOIS ANGERS * DESIGNER NOTES First of all, the Mitrax Galaxy was created by Francois Angers. He is the Master Designer behind the Mitrax Galaxy; the Creative Driving Force. However, I will be the one updating, revising, editing, balancing, playtesting, adding to, building…
Star Fleet Battles – High Guard Heavy Cruiser SSD Z-Technology
HIGH GUARD Z-SHIPS ZR1.1 HEAVY CRUISER (CZ): The High Guard Heavy Cruiser was a powerful Z-Ship of the Line which was capable of performing a variety of functions. Armed with Quantum Torpedoes, a healthy supply of Phaser-Z’s, and a pair of Plasma ZF’s, the High Guard Heavy Cruiser was more…
Star Fleet Battles – King Alpha/Queen Omega Short Summary
KING ALPHA SHORT SUMMARY AS OF 2/24/24 King Alpha re-presents Alpha Sector Material in new, intriguing, and tactically focused ways. The Base Heavy Cruiser will possess 32 Warp, 5 Batteries, and a 32-Point #1 Shield, but there will be variations of course. However, one of the prime features of King…
Star Fleet Battles – The Burnside Territories Short Summary
THE BURNSIDE TERRITORIES SHORT SUMMARY AS OF 12/16/23 The Burnside Territories takes Magellanic Cloud Designs and converts them into New Empires that conform to the Alpha Sector Design Paradigm. This is no simple or easy task. The end goal is to have a balanced Alpha Sector-type Starship which has…
Star Fleet Battles – V-Technology/Young Kingdoms Short Summary
V-TECHNOLOGY/YOUNG KINGDOMS SHORT SUMMARY AS OF 12/7/23 V-Technology (or Variable Technology) is an alternate version of X-Technology. As such, its capabilities should never exceed X(1)-Technology or be the equivalent of X2-Technology. V-Technology affects the same weapon or device differently, so that you may have multiple advanced versions of that same…
Star Fleet Battles – Mitosis/Meiosis Short Summary
MITOSIS/MEIOSIS SHORT SUMMARY AS OF 11/26/23 The Design Paradigm for Mitosis, which was created back in 2016, includes War Destroyer sized Heavy Cruisers (at the start of the Timeline), PH-1’s as the standard offensive Phaser (not PH-2’s), and FX/RX Heavy Weapons (including Drones/Plasmas) that cannot Overload (at the start…