THE YOUNG KINGDOMS ATLANTEAN SHIPS (YKR1.1) LIGHT CRUISER (CL): The Atlantean Light Cruiser was one of the most sturdy, reliable, and powerful vessels in the Young Kingdoms. Equipped with V-Technology, the Atlantean Light Cruiser featured four AV-Photon Torpedoes, Six AV-Phaser-1’s, and one Type G AV-Drone Rack. Additionally, V-Technology enhancements augmented…
Category: SSD
High Guard
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Star Fleet Battles – High Guard Heavy Cruiser SSD Z-Technology
HIGH GUARD Z-SHIPS ZR1.1 HEAVY CRUISER (CZ): The High Guard Heavy Cruiser was a powerful Z-Ship of the Line which was capable of performing a variety of functions. Armed with Quantum Torpedoes, a healthy supply of Phaser-Z’s, and a pair of Plasma ZF’s, the High Guard Heavy Cruiser was more…