The Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser was capable of wreaking massive devastation in Fimbulvetr. Armed with four Photon Torpedoes, one Energy Howitzer, ten Phaser-1’s, two Improved Pulse Emitters, and two Tachyon Missile Racks, the Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser was a dreaded adversary. Utilizing the unique technology and facilities on Planetbase, the Combine were able to integrate Other Sector weaponry into their classic Battlecruiser design. The result was a warship unlike any other in the Combine Fleet. Typical tactics for the Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser was to soften up the opponent with an upgraded Tachyon Missile, crush their shields with the Energy Howitzer, and then close to finish the enemy with overloaded Photon Torpedoes, Phaser-1’s, and Improved Pulse Emitters. Also noteworthy of mention is the Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser’s numerous Shuttles, plentiful Reserve Power, and plethora of Laboratories. Only one Battlecruiser underwent the conversion in the history of the Combine Fleet: the Atlas Telamon.
The Combine Atlas Telamon Battlecruiser showcases the desperation of the remnants of the Home Sector in Fimbulvetr. Having lost nearly everything to the Neo-Invaders, Unity realized that their traditional starships and tactics had proved ineffective against this terrible, new enemy. When the remnants of the Other Sector arrived on Planetbase, Unity began to plan designs for starships that would mix foreign technology into standard Home Sector configurations. The concept was that these new designs would throw the Neo-Invaders off-balance and create brand new opportunities for them to turn the tide of battle. The Atlas Telamon was the first of many to follow this newly adopted design strategy.
PHOTON TORPEDOES (PHOT): These work exactly as described in the Basic Set.
ENERGY HOWITZER (EH): This works exactly as described in Omega-1.
TACHYON MISSILES (TM): These work exactly as described in Omega-1.
IMPROVED PULSE EMITTERS (IPE): These work exactly as described in Omega-1.
PHASER-1s (PH-1): These work exactly as described in the Basic Set.