The mainstay of the Tycosian (Tychor) fleet. The CA is a good all around ship, though it is more focused on combat than on anything else. With four medium plasma cannons it can delver considerable punch at shorter ranges, even out performing the photon torpedo at point blank range. It has better than average command facilities, as well.
Outfitted with two Point Defense Plasma Racks, the Tychor Heavy Cruiser possessed substantial defense against Drones and Fighters. While known for its limited number of Shuttles, the Tychor Heavy Cruiser was well armed with a full battery of Phasers: 4 PH-1’s and 6 PH-2’s. The ability to launch Plasma Torpedoes from its Plasma Cannons made the Tychor Heavy Cruiser a fearsome adversary in tactical combat.
Balancing and Presenting the Tycosian (Tychor) Heavy Cruiser for the Unearthed Tapes (Sub-Alpha) proved to be more difficult and time consuming than I originally thought. I’m sure that Mike Raper would disagree with some of the Design Decisions I’ve made, but his original design intent (to be a part of the Alpha Sector) was much different from my design intent for the Unearthed Tapes (Sub-Alpha). These Designer Notes will be quite extended because there are many design areas to be considered for the Tychor Heavy Cruiser.
The Plasma Cannon was the first subject that needed to be examined. Mike’s original Plasma Cannon (Medium and Light) generated 20 Damage at Range 0-1 (PLC-M) and 10 Damage at Range 0-1 (PLC-L). His Plasma Cannon was armed over two turns and required 4+4 Energy for PLC-M and 2+2 Energy for PLC-L.
Given that an Overloaded Photon Torpedo can generate a maximum of 16 Damage at Range 0-1, I immediately had a problem with the 20 points of Damage he had established. For comparison, I looked at the Implosion Bolt (Trobrin – Omega but still worth an examination), the Warp Augmented Rail Gun (Jindarian) and the Photon Torpedo.
The Implosion Bolt generates a maximum of 20 Damage at Range 0 (only not Range 1). Implosion Bolts are armed over three turns and require 1+2+3 (they can be rush fired on the second turn by applying 3 points of reserve power (only)). The Implosion Bolt scores 18 Damage at Ranges 1-3. We can see that while Mike’s original Plasma Cannon requires a bit more energy (4+4 vs 1+2+3), it can score 20 Damage at Range 1 while the Implosion Bolt cannot. While this additional Hex may not seem like much, in actual combat on the tabletop, it makes a huge difference.
The Warp Augmented Rail Gun can fire every turn (!) and requires 3 points of energy to fire. It can generate 20 Damage at Range 0 and 17 Damage at Range 1-5. Again, you will note that Mike’s original Plasma Cannon has the advantage of delivering 20 Damage at Range 1, whereas the Warp Augmented Rail Gun cannot. The Warp Augmented Rail Gun may have its own balancing issues, but we’re not focusing on that particular weapon at this time.
Now, as we all know, an Overloaded Photon Torpedo can fire at Ranges 0-1 and deliver 16 Damage maximum. Obviously, Mike’s original Plasma Cannon scoring 20 Damage at Range 0-1 is a substantial increase from 16. This means that an alpha strike with 4 Plasma Cannons at Range 0 will score 80 Damage versus 4 Overloaded Photons at Range 0 which would score 64 Damage maximum.
Interestingly, one of Mike’s later (the following year) charts shows a Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M) delivering 18 Damage at Range 0-1, not 20. So perhaps he revised it after some thought or feedback. But all my original Tycosian SSD’s (designed by Mike Raper) show 20 Damage at Range 0-1. Additionally, the Arming Cost of 4+4 only makes sense for the 20 Damage amount (because it scores 16 Damage at Ranges 2-3).
So, after examining the Implosion Bolt, the Warp Augmented Rail Gun, and the Overloaded Photon Torpedo, what decisions did I make regarding balancing the Plasma Cannon? At Ranges 0-1, Damage was changed from 20 to 18. This means a Tychor maximum alpha strike would be 72 Damage as opposed to the (4) Overloaded Photons maximum of 64 Damage. This is slightly more Damage than the max Photon Damage and is now acceptable (in my opinion). The Plasma Cannon retains the advantage of that powerful Damage Output at Range 1, which I believe makes the Plasma Cannon somewhat unique compared to other heavy weapons. Once Ranges 0-1 were updated to 18 Damage (instead of 20), the rest of the Damage/Range amounts for the Medium Plasma Cannon were scaled down appropriately.
But that was only the Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M). Now I had to look at the Light Plasma Cannon (PLC-L). Mike’s original PLC-L was armed over two turns and scored 10 Damage at Ranges 0-1. Compared to an Overloaded Disruptor, taking two turns to arm for such a low Damage amount was too long in my opinion. The Light Plasma Cannon should be a weapon that can fire every turn (based on the damage it can score).
Mike’s Original Light Plasma Cannon costs 2+2. This cost was comparative to an Overloaded Disruptor (which is 4 Energy to Arm). However, as the Range extends out, Mike’s Damage for the Light Plasma Cannon becomes more similar to a Standard Disruptor Bolt (which costs 2 Energy to Arm). Should you pay 4 Points of Energy (2+2) for something that scores Damage like a Standard Disruptor Bolt at longer Ranges?
Another consideration is that Mike’s original Light Plasma Cannon scored exactly half of the Damage of the Medium Plasma Cannon. I decided to keep this aspect, but needed to revise the Damage Scale based on the Range because my version of the Medium Plasma Cannon yielded different Damage Results. For example, my Medium Plasma Cannon now scored 14 Damage at Ranges 2-3. This means that the Light Plasma Cannon at Ranges 2-3 should score 7 Damage (exactly half).
Mike Raper stressed the unique ability of the Plasma Cannon to “Download.” His idea was that the Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M) was armed as usual, but it could be Downloaded to fire like a Light Plasma Cannon. I like the terminology, but I honestly don’t see the difference between arming a PLC-M normally (and then Downloading) or just arming as a PLC-L (from the very beginning, if the PLC-M had the option of either). This may just be a conceptual matter. Is it a Medium Weapon that “Downloads” to Light or is it a Medium Weapon that just arms in Light Mode to begin with? I suspect this is the reason he originally had his Light Plasma Cannon arming over two turns (instead of one turn) with 2+2, so that it could match the two turn arming cycle of the Medium Cannon (which could then be “Downloaded” to a Light Plasma Cannon in his original rules).
Therefore, after comparing the original Light Plasma Cannon to the Standard and Overloaded Disruptor Bolt, and taking into consideration some of Mike Raper’s original intentions, I changed the Light Plasma Cannon into a heavy weapon that could fire every turn with an arming cost of 3 points of energy. The Damage per Range Bracket was scaled down, but made still be exactly half of the Medium Plasma Cannon’s Damage. The Medium Plasma Cannon can still be “downloaded” (if you want to use that terminology) and fired as a Light Plasma Cannon, as long as the arming cost for a Light Plasma Cannon has already been paid.
Now for the major change to the Plasma Cannon. I realized that if you fly this ship (the Tychor Heavy Cruiser), you are basically flying a Fed CA with 2 PDP’s acting as sort of Anti-Drones. This doesn’t lend much to Tactics for the Tychor CA, because the Fed CA has a Drone Rack from which it can launch Drones and Scatterpacks (adding Depth to its Tactics). The Tychor CA doesn’t have this ability and is just limited to its Plasma Cannons and PDP’s. So, to add more Tactical Depth to the Tychor Heavy Cruiser, I made the tough decision to allow Plasma Cannons to launch Plasma Torpedoes. It also made a strange technical sense (technobabble) because a Plasma Direct Weapon could possibly be configured to launch a (limited) kind of Plasma Seeking Weapon. This is only be possible for a Medium Plasma Cannon (not Light).
As a Medium Plasma Cannon can score a maximum of 18 Damage, it didn’t make sense to allow it to launch a Plasma-F (which could score 20 Damage maximum). A Plasma-D or Whipcrack Torpedo didn’t make much sense either. But something which fit really well was the Plasma-E from the Magellanic Cloud. The Plasma-E scores a maximum of 15 Damage, which was perfect for a Direct Weapon (the PLC-M) which could score a maximum amount of 18 Damage. The Plasma-E requires 2+3 for arming, while the Medium Plasma Cannon requires 3+4 for arming. Therefore, yes, the Medium Plasma Cannon can launch a Plasma Torpedo instead of firing direct, but that Plasma Torpedo would score less Damage (15 max instead of 18 max) and be much less Energy Efficient in terms of Arming Cost (7 Energy vs 5 Energy). It then becomes something a Tychor Captain would use only if the combat situation Tactically required it.
Mike Raper had designed a Heavy Plasma Cannon which scored 30 Damage at Ranges 0-1. It could only be carried by very large starships, base stations, and starbases. I still haven’t decided if this weapon is viable. For now, it does not exist in the Unearthed Tapes (Sub-Alpha). The only thing that makes me think it might be workable (with modifications), is the fact that a PL-R can be Bolted for 25 Damage (which is somewhat similar in max Direct Damage Potential).
Next came an examination of the Point Defense Plasma (PDP). This was like an Anti-Drone that scored a certain amount of Damage based on Range. It can only be used against Drones and Fighters and not Ships. A PDP basically uses the same rules for firing as an Anti-Drone (except Damage). After taking a look at the Anti-Drone Rules again, and then studying the Short Range Cannon Rules, I decided the PDP was fine as is. Playtesting will reveal if the PDP is too good in its function.
Finally, I was forced to omit the Phaser-3’s that Mike Raper has included to guard the rear of the vessel. The PH-3 table simply would not fit on the SSD. The Phaser-3’s were therefore changed to Phaser-2’s, which already had their table on the SSD. Yes, that means the Tychor Heavy Cruiser will have slightly more Damage Output (at an increased cost) to guard the rear of the ship, but I deemed this acceptable as the Plasma Cannons were slightly reduced in capability (so they balance out somewhat).
Mike Raper developed an extensive Background and History for the Tycosian Republic, which will have to be heavily modified. He stated that the Tycosian Homeworld was found abandoned by the ISC and that the ISC performed Simulator Combat Practice against the (Simulator) Tycosians prior to developing the PPD (in fact, it was this Simulator Combat that led to the development of the PPD). Obviously, this changes Alpha Sector History and cannot be included. Mike also detailed some Design Limitations to Tycosian Starships, like not using Fighters and only fighting at close range. Some of these things will have to changed as well since the Tychor Republic has now been placed in the Unearthed Tapes (Sub-Alpha).
In conclusion, the Tychor Heavy Cruiser is now a ship with 4 Balanced Heavy Weapons, a plethora of PH-1’s and PH-2’s (but still on par with ships like the Fed CA and the Gorn CA), and two Anti-Drone-like Devices (which work slightly different than ADD’s). For added Tactical Playability, each Medium Plasma Cannon can launch a PL-E instead of firing direct, but doing so is Energy Inefficient as well as Damage Inefficient. Much of the rest of the ship remains as Mike Raper originally designed it, with strong forward Shields, weak aft Shields, lots of Power (which is comparable to the Gorn CA’s Total Power), limited Shuttles, and Firing Arcs somewhat similar to the Fed CA. Overall, the ship has been balanced to Alpha Sector Standards as much as possible (in my opinion).
The Tychor Heavy Cruiser is a good beginning for the Unearthed Tapes (Sub-Alpha).
⦁ A Light Plasma Cannon (PLC-L) can fire once every turn, but not within 8 impulses of a previous firing.
⦁ A Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M) can fire once every other turn, but not within 8 impulses of a previous firing.
⦁ A Light Plasma Cannon (PLC-L) requires 3 points of energy to arm.
⦁ A Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M) requires 3 points of energy on the first turn and 4 points of energy on the second turn.
⦁ A Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M) can be Downloaded and fired as a Light Plasma Cannon at any time, so long as the required 3 points of energy (for the PLC-L) has been paid.
⦁ A Light Plasma Cannon (PLC-L) can be Held for 1 point of energy per turn.
⦁ A Medium Plasma Cannon (PLC-M) can be Held for 2 points of energy per turn.
⦁ A fully armed (3+4) Medium Plasma Cannon can generate one Plasma-E at the owning player’s option. The decision to launch a PL-E instead of firing the PLC-M direct is made at the time of firing.
⦁ Light Plasma Cannons (PLC-L) cannot generate Plasma Torpedoes.
⦁ Light Plasma Cannons (PLC-L) fired at Range 0-1 which hit their target cause 1 point of Feedback Damage to the firing Tychor ship.
⦁ Medium Plasma Cannons (PLC-M) fired at Range 0-1 which hit their target cause 3 points of Feedback Damage to the firing Tychor ship.
⦁ Plasma Cannons can only be fired at targets which are Size Class 5 or above.
⦁ Plasma Cannons are destroyed on TORP Hits on the DAC.
⦁ A PDP Rack has 8 charges. Once exhausted, the rack cannot be fired again until it is Reloaded.
⦁ A PDP can fire one charge per impulse. Note the Firing Arcs on the SSD.
⦁ The ship must have a Sensor Lock-On in order to fire a PDP.
⦁ PDP’s ignore EW affects. PDP’s can be affected by Erratic Maneuvers performed by the owning player’s ship.
⦁ The Scanner (D6.2) Factor is added to the Die Roll, not the Range, for PDP’s.
⦁ PDP’s can only be fired at Size Class 6 or 7 targets.
⦁ PDP Racks have two complete sets of Reloads.
⦁ If a PDP Rack is not fired for one turn, it may Reload up to 4 PDP Charges. If the PDP is fired while in the process of Reloading, the Reloading is completely cancelled.
⦁ PDP Racks are destroyed on DRONE Hits on the DAC.
This works exactly as described in the Basic Set.
This works exactly as described in the Basic Set.