The Atlantean Light Cruiser was one of the most sturdy, reliable, and powerful vessels in the Young Kingdoms. Equipped with V-Technology, the Atlantean Light Cruiser featured four AV-Photon Torpedoes, Six AV-Phaser-1’s, and one Type G AV-Drone Rack. Additionally, V-Technology enhancements augmented the Batteries, Laboratories, and Probes aboard the Atlantean Light Cruiser. The increased accuracy of the Atlantean Light Cruiser’s weaponry, along with the increased speed of its AV-Drones, made it a deadly and feared adversary.
The Atlantean Light Cruiser sets the stage for the rest of the Young Kingdoms Light Cruisers (which they consider to be their Heavy Cruisers). Loosely based on the Federation NCL, the Atlantean Light Cruiser was created by examining a cross-comparison between the Gorn CL, the Kzinti CL, and the Romulan SPA. The Atlantean Light Cruiser quickly turned into its own unique entity.
Determining the effects of Atlantean V-Technology was not a simple task, because this would define exactly how this empire performed in combat on the battlefield. For the Atlanteans, I decided to go down the route of Accuracy instead of Damage or Other Areas. It made sense to me that an empire might focus their V-Technology Advancements toward making their weaponry more precise in battle. And I believe this fact alone makes the Atlanteans one of the best empires in the Young Kingdoms. They are able to hit you more often and at further range than the Federation ever could.
Increasing the Speed of the V-Drones was a minor change, but still a tactical advantage. V-Drones are only a secondary weapon compared to the V-Photon Torpedoes.
The Atlanteans received other V-Technology enhancements shipwide, all of which make sense given their “Federation” origins.
Overall, I like how the Atlantean Light Cruiser turned out. It is not a large ship, but it is effective and efficient. It is more advanced than a standard starship, but so advanced as X-Technology. This is exactly what V-Technology is supposed to be. In combat, the Atlantean Light Cruiser performs quite differently than regular Light Cruisers, thanks to its embedded V-Technology. This will facilitate new tactics, which was the goal for V-Technology and the Young Kingdoms.
⦁ Use the Revised Chart (note that To Hit Probabilities have Improved)
⦁ V-Photon Torpedoes function as standard Photon Torpedoes in all other respects
AV-TECHNOLOGY PHASER-1’s: ⦁ Use the Revised Chart (note that Range Brackets have Improved)
⦁ V-Phaser-1’s function as standard Phaser-1’s in all other respects
⦁ All Drones, regardless of Type, receive +2 to their Speed
⦁ Drone Speed cannot exceed 32, even with the +2 Bonus
⦁ V-Drones function as standard Drones in all other respects
⦁ V-Drones have no effect on Anti-Drones
⦁ V-Batteries can hold a maximum of 2 Points of Power each
⦁ V-Batteries function as standard Batteries in all other respects
⦁ Under (G4.11) V-Labs receive +1 to the Scientific Number determined by the Die Roll. For exampe, if a Roll of 1 was achieved at Range 0, a Scientific Number of 11 (10+1) is used instead of 10. This Scientific Number is then multiplied by the number of functioning V-Labs on the SSD (per G4.12).
⦁ Under (G4.22) V-Labs will succeed at any identification attempt when the roll is greater than the range of the ship to the seeking weapon minus one. Therefore, if a seeking weapon was at Range 2 from the ship, any of roll of 2 or more would succeed at identifying it.
⦁ V-Labs function as standard Labs in all other respects
⦁ (Under G5.22) V-Probes gather 30 points of “information” (G4.1) instead of 20 points.
⦁ V-Probes function as standard Probes in all other respects (note that this includes arming costs and all aspects of being used as an emergency weapon)