First of all, the Mitrax Galaxy was created by Francois Angers. He is the Master Designer behind the Mitrax Galaxy; the Creative Driving Force. However, I will be the one updating, revising, editing, balancing, playtesting, adding to, building upon, and “modernizing” his original work. If I can take credit for anything, it is the latter, not the former.
The first incarnation (to my knowledge) of Francois’ work was called the Mitrax Galaxy. There may have been a prior rough draft that I am unaware of. The second incarnation was when Francois’ work became more “official” and was renamed Triangulum. For Triangulum, Francois developed new technology, added empires, deleted empires, shifted existing empires around (swapping one for another), transferred technology from empire to empire, swapped hull designs, designed new hull designs, and overall streamlined his original Mitrax Galaxy. Francois modified the original Mitrax Map and developed a new Triangulum Map. There was a Rulebook for the Mitrax Galaxy and Francois compiled a New (Unpublished) Rulebook for Triangulum. A Timeline existed for the Mitrax Galaxy and this was modified to create the Triangulum Timeline.
While I applaud and stand in awe at Francois’ Creative Brilliance and Hard Work creating his Own Galaxy, in my opinion, the Mitrax Galaxy and Triangulum suffered in several areas. The first area, and perhaps most important, is Balance. There are certainly Balance Issues that have been discovered, notably in Proton Pulse Emitters, the Helgardian’s Rotary Shield, Graviton Beams, the World of Union’s Hellfire Torpedo, the Imperium’s Hypermass Autocannon, and More. Other areas include Overcomplexity of Rules, Vague or Incomplete Rules, Lack of Playtesting, Unbalanced Defenses, and Unbalanced Ships. This is not to say that All of these issues exist in All Areas, but rather that they are sprinkled out here and there in a vast sea of material.
My goal with the Mitrax Galaxy is to take it to where it should have been. By this I mean, in my opinion, when the Mitrax Galaxy became Triangulum, it lost something important, something vital. It’s hard to say what that thing was. Triangulum was a newer, streamlined version of the Mitrax Galaxy, almost like a synopsis or summary of it. But what I am seeking is the Full Version of the Original Mitrax Galaxy, without portions edited out, the totality of what it should have become. In my opinion, the Mitrax Galaxy should have a Rulebook as large or larger than the Omega Rulebook, with a fully detailed Map and completed Timeline. It should be Playtested and there should be a level of confidence that the Rules work to a certain degree.
In order to accomplish all this, I will have to study Francois’ original Mitrax Galaxy, edit it, revise it, make changes I think are necessary, add to it, update it, balance it, expand it, and playtest it. It is a monumental task, but one which I believe is worth striving for.